Today in my blog I´m going to explain how design an assessment rubric. As you can remember in my last post Super learning mission nº1 and Super learning mission nº2 I explained how to turn flat activities into super learning mission for the students¡ For that reason, now it´s time to design a tool to evaluate a super learning mission.
First of all, I would like to explain you what a rubric is. According to University of Waterloo It´s an assessment tool that clearly indicates markign criteria. It can be used for marking assignments, class participation, or overall grades. Now, what steps should we follow to create a rubric?
How to make a rubric? by Maria Jose Hidalgo
Once we know what a rubric is, I must choose what supper learning mission to evaluate. I have decided to evaluate the Super Learning Mission Nº1 in which students have to create a poster with Canva where put different cities in the world and the weather in each one at the same hour. For that, they have to choose 6 important cities of the world, such as Paris or New York, then they have to search on the internet the weather of each one at the same hour, and finally explain it in a poster.
There are many ways to evaluate the students, such as exams or final tasks. But from my view, a rubric is one of the most objectives ways to evaluate. To create my rubric I have to take into account the goals established in my Super Learning Mission nº1 which are:
- Know different important cities of the world
- Realize that not in all places does the same weather
- Realize that not in all places is the same season
- Look for information through the internet and choose the useful one.
- Carry out a very simple investigation.
- Make a poster with online tools.

Criteria by María José
As you can see in my presentation created with Emaze the criteria I´m going to take into account in my rubric are:
- Content and Knowledge
- Organization
- Effort
- Mechanics and Grammar
- Design of Digital Artifact
As for the Content and Knowledge in my rubric I would like to check if the students have learnt the content and knowledge related to weather. As for organization, I would like to check if students have organized the collected information and put it in order in the digital artifact. As for effort I would like to check if the students have made an effort to carry out the mission. As for mechanichs and Gramar I would like to check if the students don´t have errors in spelling, puntuation or grammar. And finally, as for the design of digital artifact I would like to check if the students have created an original digital artifact and they have used an online tool effectively.
Once we have seen the elements which I will evaluate in my rubric, I would like to show you my final outcome created with Quick Rubric , which is an online tool that allow you to create and design rubrics in a simple way, and which is very useful. I liked a lot to work with this tool and I´m sure that I will use it more times. There are a lot of tools for designing rubrics but this one is the easiest to use because you only have to fill in a table and order it in the way you want. Below you can see my rubric:
Rubric by María José
As I said before, rubric is one of the most objectives ways to evaluate. For that reason I´m delighted to be able to make a rubric easily and to learn new things every day¡ I hope you enjoy my post of today¡¡