Thursday, 16 March 2017

Analyse, evaluate and present a reference open educational project

Hello everyone¡¡¡¡

It´s time to publish a new post to tell you something new that I discovered and I love it! It is an Open Educational Project, which I will analyze and evaluate. This is part of the collection of projects CeDeC is presenting for projects in the English area of 1º grade of Secondary Education, and is called "The History of my familiy".


This project focuses its attention on family, family stories and special links of students with parents, grandparents and so on ... Something that I liked very much about this topic is that the family takes an active part in the project And contributes with their children to carry out the different tasks that are proposed, such as family trees or posters dedicated to the family.

The project tries to gradually delve into the history of the family so that the student is able to investigate and understand his family, his history and his members while incorporating the curricular knowledge of the area of English.

Now, in order to analyze point by point I have supported in this rubric in order to make a quick evaluation of a project's design, to see if it includes all the essential elements of rigorous, effective PBL:


This Project is focus on teaching to the student key knowledge about the family, that is an essential vocabulary for the day to day of the student.
Students will have to do tasks like a family tree, or a poster for the family, so they have to activate critical thinking.
In addition, this project is created to do a collaborative work with the family, and also individual tasks.


I do not think precisely that the issue is a significant problem to solve, since at this age they perfectly understand family kinship. This project helps them to know their ancestors. From my point of view, the level is appropriate for the students of this grade.


This project makes the students follow an active and deep process, in which they will ask questions about their families to the parents or grandparents and, in addition, to perform the tasks will have to use different resources.


This project, has a real-world context and besides it´s connected to student´s own identities. Since it is the family itself.


This project allows students to be creative and choose for themselves, when making posters of family or family celebrations in different cultures.


When the assignments are finished, the students will have reflected on where they came from, and how their family has helped them to get the assignments.


With this project the students give and receive information, and for this they have to carry out an investigation.


The project requires students to demonstrate what they learn by creating a product that is presented or offered to people beyond the classroom. Since the family tree, it can take them beyond their family environment.

On the other hand I have made my own analysis without following any rubric, I have used a program that I have discovered called Genially and which I have loved for its variety of resources to make slides or lesson plans, for instance.

I hope you liked it and you will be able to use these projects and the different resources that I have shown you!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks a bunch for you analysis.
    Please check the link to Link: as it is a private one and change it for the public one, ok?
    Best regards
